
What is the Ideal Swimming Pool Water Temperature?

A common misconception by swimming pool owners is that the temperature of your pool water doesn’t matter. In actuality, the water temperature does matter, depending on how you’re using the pool. In addition to affecting your swimming activities, pool temperature also impacts the likelihood of certain types of bacteria and algae being present in the water. Whether you are using your above ground swimming pool for fitness or recreation, knowing the ideal swimming pool temperatures for each will ensure you are always comfortable in the water!

The Ideal Swimming Pool Water Temperature

For personal recreational swimming pools, the ideal water temperature is generally around 81 degrees Fahrenheit. For other types of swimming pools or uses, such as exercises and competition, the temperature may vary.

  • The ideal water temperature for recreational swimming is 81 degrees Fahrenheit
  • The best water temperature for competitive swimming is between 77 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • The target water temperature for water aerobics and fitness training is 78 deºgrees Fahrenheit.
  • The average water temperature for hydrotherapy is around 86 degrees Fahrenheit.

The Dangers of Too Warm or Too Cold Swimming Pool Water

To start, it’s important to know the effect water temperature has on swimmers. If using your pool for aerobic activities or moderate pool exercise, it’s essential that you are paying close attention to the water temperatures because it can have a negative impact on your health if the temperature is not right.

Warm Pool Water Dangers

Water temps of 90 degrees Fahrenheit or above are too warm for swimmers. Even though you are in the water, swimmers who are engaging in exercise still sweat as their body temperature rises. Warm water makes it hard for your body to cool itself down and can lead to:

  • Exhaustion
  • Dehydration
  • Overheating
  • And more!

If engaging in aquatic therapy that typically uses warm pool water, it’s important to have someone, generally a medical professional, supervising you as you complete activities and to spend limited time in the water.

Cold Pool Water Dangers

Any pool water below 60 degrees Fahrenheit is typically too cold for swimmers. Hypothermia is the main concern for swimmers doing activities in these water temperatures. When someone is exercising in cold pool water, the lower temperature causes blood vessels to widen in order for warm blood to flow to extremities such as your arms and legs. Then, your blood vessels constrict to keep your body’s core and organs warm. There is an increased risk of hypothermia because your blood vessels cannot stay restricted for long, so they open back up to bring blood to the extremities, however, it’s now cold blood which causes your body temperature to drop.

How to Keep Your Swimming Pool Warm

Pool Cover

Setting the correct water temperature for your swimming pool is so important to enjoy activities to their fullest. Using pool heaters and solar panels are a great way to heat your swimming pool and adjust the temperature quickly. We also recommend using a pool cover to hold in heat and regulate temperature when your pool is not in use.

Shop now:
Sturdy Man Pool Covers – Round
Sturdy Man Pool Covers – Oval
Essential Pool Cover – Round
Essential Pool Cover – Oval
Solar Cover 8mm – Round
Solar Cover 8mm – Oval
Solar Cover 12mm – Round
Solar Cover 12mm – Oval

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