Things to void with your vinyl pool liner

Above Ground Swimming Pool Leak Detection 101

Last updated 7/10/2023

Sometimes swimming pool leaks are so subtle that it’s difficult to determine whether you have one at all. However, it’s important to deal with swimming pool leaks quickly, before they become big, costly problems.

Here’s a basic rundown of how to find leaks in a pool and how to handle the leak if you find one. Let’s call it “Swimming Pool Leak Detection 101.”

Checking for Pool Liner Leaks

Periodically, look for these warning signs in and around your swimming pool:

Decreasing water level

A simple way to find a leak is by observing the pool water level over time. According to American Leak Detection, a pool should lose about a quarter of an inch of water every 24 hours. That number may vary depending on the environment and weather conditions. If you’re losing more water than that consistently, you may have a leak.

Auto filler on overdrive

Many pools include an automatic fill water leveler. It helps maintain a consistent water level by adding water to balance out water loss from evaporation and splashing. If your auto filler is on overdrive and continuously running for no apparent reason, it’s probably trying to keep up with a water leak.

Standing backyard water

Are you noticing spots of standing water or damp areas in your yard? It could be an indicator that your pool is leaking into the ground. Significant amounts of water could mean a serious issue and should be checked out by a professional as soon as possible.

Frequent algae formation

If you’re keeping up with regular pool maintenance and cleaning, frequent algae formation might be coming from a pool leak. The chemically-treated water may be leaking out, with untreated water replacing it.

Locating a Leak In You Swimming Pool Liner

Once you’ve established that you have an above ground pool leak, it’s important to locate the leak quickly. The sooner you can discover the location of the issue, the faster you can resolve the problem and resume your normal pool activities.

If you’re wondering how to find leaks in your above ground pool liner, use this checklist to get started:

  • Check your pool equipment for obvious signs of leakage. Is there any noticeable damage to your pool liner? How about your pool pumps or accessories? Does anything look loose?
  • Shut off any pool pumps and perform a dye test. Add a drop of colored dye to your pool water and observe how it moves. Is it heading in one direction? This might be where your water is exiting.
  • Inspect your pool. Gear up with a pair of goggles and some snorkeling equipment to inspect the interior of your pool. Carefully take a look at the pool walls and check for cracks, tears, or areas that look damaged.
  • Get help. If you cannot locate the leak on your own, call a pool professional. They have the tools and expertise needed to safely search for issues without damaging your swimming pool.

Unfortunately, leaks can occur by no fault of your own and can be a huge inconvenience to your summer pool fun. Checking for leaks and identifying their cause is the first step towards repair.

If a cracked or ripped pool liner is at fault, have no fear! You may be able to repair it using a high-quality patch kit. If it’s time to replace your liner, LinerWorld has a wide selection of bold, durable vinyl pool liners available.

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One response to “Above Ground Swimming Pool Leak Detection 101”

  1. Prevention is the key to avoiding huge problems. Thank you for educating us!

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